Loan periods:
- fiction: 14 day
- non-fiction: 30 days
- non-book materials: 7 days
- language courses: 30 days
Borrowing restrictions:
- you can borrow 3 DVDs, BluRays or CDs at a time
- you cannot borrow more than 1 item with the same title
- you have to return the library materials in the same library where you borrowed it
Renewing the loan period:
- you can renew the loan period once
- you cannot renew the loan period:
- if their is a hold made on the book by another member,
- if the book is marked for the compulsory reading,
- if the book is overdue and you got an overdue notice
You can renew the loan period:
- in the library
- by telephone (01 724 12 04 / 041 664 912)
- via the internet service COBISS/My library (you need a pin code to use this service).
- If the book is not available, you can put a hold on it.
- If the book is free, you can order it using COBISS/My library.
- The reserved books will wait for you in the library for 3 days.
- If you do not claim them in 3 days, you have to pay a fee (check the price list).
Overdue fines and notices:
If you do not return your materials in time, you have to pay a fine.
If you are 14 days overdue:
- notice (after 14 days)
- notice (7 days after the 1. notice)
- notice (7 days after the 2. notice)
All the fines are added up.