House rules

Library users and visitors must follow the library rules.

Parents are responsible for the behaviour of their children. They are expected to clean up

the toys and books used by their children.

In the library it is not allowed to:

  • use mobile phones
  • eat and drink
  • enter with animals except with the dogs for disabled people
  • enter with shopping troleys or roller scates
  • smoke
  • talk loudly
  • enter the premises for library employees


The library materials can be borrowed only by library members with their membership card.

Reading rooms and wi-fi internet can be used also by library visitors, who are not members.

They have to identify themselves with ID at the info desk.

Members are expected to handle all library materials with care.

If the security sound alarm is turned on, the visitors have to cooperate with the employees

to find the cause of the alarm.


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Tip pisave
Open Dyslexic
Open Dyslexic Alta